How AI can be Used to Boost Sales of Your Magento Ecommerce Site

August 6, 2020

Ecommerce makes the shopping more convenient and easy for the online shoppers and Magento ecommerce development is the most popular platform that offers a wide range of features to make the shopping experience smoother.  The economy and consumer spending habits are both volatile and it is important to meet the customer’s expectations through an omni channel marketing environment.

But with technological development there are various technologies and tools available in the market that helps to keep the customer engaged, gather data from their purchase behavior and plan strategies based on the data gathered to boost both sales and revenues. So for your ecommerce retail channel to thrive, you have to understand and adapt to the changing conditions, customer preferences and trends and embrace those technologies to evolve and meet the challenges.

Artificial intelligence has enormous potential to improve the profitability of online stores. We are probably already using AI in everyday life and it has also revolutionized the Magento ecommerce landscape by completing the tasks that humans don’t have time to do. This is of course a great way to increase the revenues by making online retailers act faster, smarter and more efficient.

Here is how you can use Artificial Intelligence to boost your Magento ecommerce sales:

Embrace personalisation:

Email personalization is a crucial part of a successful marketing strategy and AI can help to engage your customers with a personalized email that is generic. It helps to scan your address list from your contact list before inserting them into the subject line or body of the email. AI is also the force behind recommending the products that are frequently bought together on a product page. It is by tracking a purchase that it helps to recognize and display the recommended products and increase the average order value.

Make improvements in your customer service:

Offering a great customer service is a major pain point for most of the online retailers as its time consuming and often a repetitive work. It is only through good customer service that you can drive sales. It is here that AI can come to rescue your Magento development website with chatbots to stimulate interaction. You can ask your Magento development service providers to integrate Chatbots which have seen huge advances in the technology and making this a native feature of your online store can help you answer some basic queries like the price of popular items.

Reduce cart abandonment:

Another most important thing to consider for your Magento ecommerce development is to reduce the cart abandonment rate.  Consumers are already ready to purchase from your site but due to some reasons, they abandon their carts at the checkout process or even quit the e-store earlier. As a matter of fact, it affects the sales and also the revenues. With AI, you can automate the follow up enquiries for any abandoned cart and offer data that can help you to close the lead.

Gather data about the customers:

Boosting your magneto ecommerce sales often comes down to understanding the customer needs, demands, preferences and their expectations. Any ecommerce store that wants to experience an increase amount of sales often needs to cater to the customer needs and this can only be met by gathering some data about them. AI can help you to get more accurate and relevant information on your ecommerce store and drive more sales because of more informed and strategic decision making.