Android or iOS – What Is Best for You?
June 16, 2015

If you are the owner of a smartphone, then you probably have your own preference of one operating system over the other. Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS are the most popular mobile platforms and each has their own strengths and pronounced weaknesses. Users tend to prefer the one that they are comfortable with.Here I will discuss with you reasons to pick Android or iOS as each has its own benefits.
Reasons to choose iOS
Apple’s iOS powers its numerous
mobile products that include the iPads, iPods and of course iphones. Mobile app
developers in India prefer iOS platform for mobile application development as it is powerful, easy to use and has
a clean menu. It is reliable and offers high quality third party applications
to choose from.
1. Easy to develop apps: Most mobile app development companies try to
release their apps both on iOS and Android, but they prefer to choose iOS first
as it is easy to build an app on it. Android is a fragmented OS and most phones
using it don’t have the latest version which makes developing a difficult task.
iOS is consistent across all Apple devices.
2. iOS is more secured:
Apple’s employees manually check every single app that is posted to the iOS app
store before it is released to the public. This keeps any malware or virus from
corrupting your phone. It also has theft prevention software in the OS, which
makes it easy to track the phone if it is stolen.
3. Apps cannot access the OS: Unlike Android, various apps on iOS
cannot directly access the OS and this makes it safe that even if your app
crashes, your phone is still fine.
Reasons to choose Android:
Google’s Android has become the
most popular mobile OS as every manufacturer of smartphones has at least one
Android phone. If you want a customized mobile experience and want to use the
latest technologies then it is best to go with Android.
1. Infinitely customizable: App developers in India choose Android, as
it offers more flexibility to get the exact thing that you want even with less
technical knowledge. The icons or the fonts of the interface can be tweaked and
you have more control and access to the underlying operating system.
2. Available in different price range:
Since many mobile manufacturers offer android devices, customers have a
wide range to pick from. App development companies in India prefer this
platform as they can target a wider range of customers having different budget
3. New features and technology: Along with latest hardware features,
Android phones often have unique and extra features that let you use your phone
in fun and in different ways. Apple integrates the latest technologies very
slowly, but Android phones are always updated.
To conclude, I can only say that before you choose any one platform for your app, take a reasonable look at the advantages and disadvantages of both the platforms so that you can best support your business and refine the user experience.
To conclude, I can only say that before you choose any one platform for your app, take a reasonable look at the advantages and disadvantages of both the platforms so that you can best support your business and refine the user experience.
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