SharePoint Application Development: Ways To Attain More for Your Business
July 16, 2015
I recently had the opportunity to
discuss with some of the IT experts about the different ways various
organizations will be using Microsoft SharePoint in the coming few years. SharePointapplication development is used by most of the Fortune 500 companies, but a
recent survey has stated that despite its widespread adoption there is also a
lot of dissatisfaction. There are plenty of fears, rumors and uncertainties
around Microsoft’s plans for the future releases and a great investment has
already been made by many business organizations. So, the question arises- how
can companies use the platform over the next few years?

Reduce paperwork: Most business organizations have paper based processes,
for example expense claims, purchase or selling orders, leave applications and
etc. Now maintaining these documents perfectly can be a difficult job as many
people are involved in it for approval. SharePoint programmers can create
electronic forms and workflows that will allow you to do the task more
efficiently and maintain the records easily.
Document management: If your employees have to visit different
places or are on the road, they work from home or any satellite offices, then
you may face a problem of controlling and managing the documents at some point
of time. SharePoint application development company can help you to properly
integrate your files with Word or Excel and help you to seamlessly collaborate,
manage versions of your documents and share them with anyone.
Contact list and other details: Suppose your company has 1000
employees and maintaining their contacts with phone numbers and e-mail
addresses can be a problem if they do not exist on a centralized system.Dedicated SharePoint developers can help to create apps to maintain the records
and gain easy access to it and even keep up-to-date.
Report generation: Using this web based platform for your intranet
can help your employees to gain quick access to important data and information
needed to take critical business decisions. SharePoint helps to get key
information about your business and presents it in reports to minimize context
switching between apps. The access to sensitive data can be controlled by
security permissions and the stuff that is meaningful to everyone can be easily
made available to enhance business processes.
Policies and procedures: It is really great if you have policies,
processes and procedures of the company in one place so that even new employees
can see them. Having such documents centralized will reduce the amount of time
the HR team may spend answering various questions of employees. Once the
documents are revised, it can be updated easily and even the old versions can
be made available if needed.
One thing that I would like to emphasize is that SharePoint development services are extremely malleable and it can be the launch pad for enterprises, a portal for shared resources, a social collaboration platform and much more.
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