Tips To Optimize Rich Snippets to Increase Click-Through Rates
June 15, 2017
The goal of optimizing your site is to increase its
visibility and the number of visitors interested in your site. With more
visitors, you have a chance of more clicks and of course more sales. But if you
don’t get noticed by your audience, you can’t win the click. Ecommerce sites should
take advantage of every option in order to entice the searchers to click on
their page leaving aside the competitors. Rich snippets are a great means of
adding information to the Search Engine Result Page entry, and this helps the
potential customers to find your website easily.
This additional information helps to give your site an edge over your competitors thereby increasing your sales and traffic.
This additional information helps to give your site an edge over your competitors thereby increasing your sales and traffic.

What does it mean by
rich snippets?
Rich snippets are additional lines of information that the
search engines use to identify the pages and helps to enhance the searcher’s
understanding of the value of that page. These rich snippets allow the
searchers to make visitors more educated decisions and also improve the
likelihood that they will choose a page to satisfy their requirements. Google
first allowed websites to display rich snippets in the year 2009 and these
users convenient summary information are just perfect to attract the attention
of the users in organic SERPs.
Rich snippets are created by introducing tiny pieces of code into
your page known as microdata, which tells the search engines about your page.
Earlier these microdata and structured data were unregulated, and also varied
from one browser to another. But in the year 2011, major search engines like
Google, Yahoo and Bing together made standardized markup for all to use.
How to optimize your
snippets for increased click through rate?
The prime goal to create rich snippets is to inform the
viewers about what your page is actually about. Adding content rich information
to your site will help your visitors to take an informed decision on whether to
click on your site page or not. The page results having rich snippets are much
better compared to those that lack the additional features. Here are some ways
by which you can optimize your own snippets to increase the click rates:
Understand your
business goals:
All business industries are not created equal, like ecommerce
sites are more focused to sell the products and make profits. The rich snippets
that you want to use should be dependent upon the type of your content that you
are willing to publish or post on your site. Some content types are reviews,
product descriptions, music, video content, food blogs, performers with
scheduled list and etc. Some types of snippets work better in specific niches
and can help you to increase the click through rates of your pages.
Decide on the Format:
Once you have finalized on the type of snippet that you want
to use, you need to choose one from the three most popular snippet formats –
Microdata, JSON-LD, and RDFa. Goggle usually prefers the use of JSON-LD. Using
the other two formats will need you to learn a little bit of coding. Once the
rich snippets are generated for each page, you have to embed them in the
respective pages so that they start to appear in the search engine results.
Test the results:
It is very important to run your rich snippets for your pages
by using Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool so that there are no errors in
them. Once the snippets are published with the post, consider one of the best
performing pages and test out whether your efforts have helped in increasing
the click-through rate. You can collect data about the clicks and compare it
with the previous data to check its performance.
Thus to conclude, we can say that in this competitive SEO
world, it is important to do something extraordinary to help your business get
more clicks and adding rich snippets to your site pages can definitely help you
to gain the attention of your audience.
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