Popular PHP Development Frameworks That Help in Effective Website Development

November 29, 2017

PHP is one of the most popular and convenient scripting languages preferred by the developers as it makes the process much easier and also reduces the cost of development and time. before developers begin to work with the PHP frameworks of 2017, it is important to about the top frameworks that offers the developers with some pre-built modules, reusable components, faster development cycles and etc. the frameworks help to create robust web applications faster. They also use the Model View Controller architecture, that allows he developers to focus on specific areas without having to worry if the code will affect the development of the other modules or not. The breaking of the development process into independent modules helps to increase the speed of the development process and also improves the quality and stability of the product.

Benefits of using PHP development frameworks:

  • There are multiple advantages of the PHP framework that encourages the website developers to reflect their best efforts.
  • PHP framework comes with excellent set of functions that helps to develop robust solutions
  •  The centralized database is a crucial factor for all projects and it is the central point where the complete data of the project are saved.
  • Rapid development process by using the tools and libraries offered by the framework
  • Security features includes input filtering and output encoding
  • Quick and easy to maintain and upgrade the developed applications
  • Great community support
Top PHP development frameworks of 2017:

CakePHP: this is a lightweight framework having excellent documentation and it also needs concise coding that finally results in the developer having to write very few codes. The framework is very easy to understand and has a speedy templating process. An exclusive feature of the CakePHP is its built in CRUD that is excellent for the database communication. it also contains varied features that covers all the disparate measures required by the web developers that includes security, request handling, emails, session management and etc. the only negativity about the framework is the absence of object related implementation.

 Yii Framework: this is a highly productive PHP and it used MVC and it is designed to build web apps effectively and quickly. It works faster than any PHP framework as it used on-demand loading.it is an object oriented framework that used a don’t repeat yourself principle. Large scale custom projects like internet portals, CMS and other complex systems can be quickly implemented. It consists of ready to go solutions that include Query Builder, ActiveRecord for relational databases, RESTful API and Multi-level caching support.

Laravel:  this is a popular PHP framework that is released in the year 2011 and has an ecosystem with instant deployment and hosting platform.  The features of the framework make rapid development easy. The framework offers many functions aiming to provide the best PHP solution for ecommerce. It has its own template engine called “BLADE” and an elegant syntax that makes it easy to perform the common tasks: session, authentication, RESTful routing, queue analysis.  

Codelgniter:  This is very easy to install and need minimum user configuration. It is a good solutions and works perfectly on any platforms but it is not entirely based on the MVC. It is best for those who are close to the limits as the framework has an infinite space for creation with the possibility to add plugins for any complex functionality. Speed is its advantage and Codelgniter copes up faster with databases tasks compared to any other frameworks. It is also simple and easy in development, secure, expandable and is perfect for the beginners.

Zend: it is programmed in an object oriented style using the latest PHP innovations.  It is less dependent on other components and each of the components can be used separately. It is a stable and robust framework that is usually recommended for big and enterprise level projects. It offers a wide variety of features facilitating the development of high quality applications for enterprise clients. 

Symfony: This PHP framework contains a number of components and is written in PHP5 that also uses the MVC. It offers fast development and web management that assists to perform routine web programming tasks. The main advantage of Symfony is its multiple database support and it consists of PHP libraries that can be reused and deployed in varied works from creating objects, templates configuration and authentication etc. 

The above PHP frameworks are popular and simplifies the development process and makes every developer’s life easier. The standard repetitive code and the reusable components allows the developers to focus on the business flow and the prime components of the application without being distracted by the nitty gritty of the coding language.